Big Lion Taxidermy Experts

Big Lion Taxidermy Experts

About big game hunting trophies, no trophy is more majestic as a lion. Big lion taxidermy makes these once-in-a-lifetime memories last for years as their beauty is then available for admiration. At Artistic Visions Wildlife Taxidermy, our creative team has great...
Decorating with Taxidermy: A How To

Decorating with Taxidermy: A How To

Decorating with taxidermy has become an increasingly popular trend in interior design, which is a bonus for hunters and outdoorsmen wanting to show off their prized mounts. Whether you are a hunting enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of wildlife, incorporating...
Your Guide to Winter Hunting

Your Guide to Winter Hunting

When the snow hits and the temperatures drop, many hunters take to their favorite stomping grounds for a cold-weather hunt. Winter hunting brings with it its unique challenges and opportunities, but careful planning and preparation must be undertaken, along with the...
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